A Little Bit of Everything - Signature Blend


Our Signature A Little Bit of Everything blend candle is true to it’s name. One of our most popular candles, these candles are literal melting pots of some of our favorite scents. Each of these candles are unique in their own way and we are sure they will become one of your faviorites.

Note: This specialty fragrance is created in 3 wick sizes only.

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Our Signature A Little Bit of Everything blend candle is true to it’s name. One of our most popular candles, these candles are literal melting pots of some of our favorite scents. Each of these candles are unique in their own way and we are sure they will become one of your faviorites.

Note: This specialty fragrance is created in 3 wick sizes only.

Our Signature A Little Bit of Everything blend candle is true to it’s name. One of our most popular candles, these candles are literal melting pots of some of our favorite scents. Each of these candles are unique in their own way and we are sure they will become one of your faviorites.

Note: This specialty fragrance is created in 3 wick sizes only.

Signature No. 1
Raining Eucalyptus
from $18.00
Signature No. 2
Spa Days
from $18.00
A Little Bit of Everything - Holiday Spice Blend